Enrollment Procedure and Options SY 2020-2021

Gov. Ramos Avenue, Sta. Maria, Zamboanga City
991-6750 | E-mail: mdzpedagogy@gmail.com

Enrollment Procedure & Option

  • Enrollment can be done through messaging the Montessori de Zamboanga FB messenger. Enrollment details should be given (ex. Grade Level, Personal Information of the parents and the student)
  • Sending enrollment details and queries through the school’s Gmail
  • Another option is by visiting the school campus personally according to your quarantine schedule. (No facemask, No entry policy applies)


Payment Procedure & Options

  • Payment after confirmation of enrollment can be made through bank to bank and can be made through the shool’s BPI Account:
    • BPI Account Number: 9521006347
    • BPI Account Name: Montessori de Zamboanga
  • Or can visit the school campus personally and make the necessary payments in the cashier’s office (No facemask, No entry policy applies)


Type of Classes to Entroll (Flexible Learning Modalities)

  • Due to COVID 19 Pandemic physical classes or face to face is no longer allowed, the school’s classes to enroll and with your options are as follows:


A. E-Learning (Online Learning)

    • Classes will be on online through Google Classroom. All students will download Google classroom app through play store for Android phone user and app store for IOS phone user.  For Laptop/netbook/tablet user just click classroom.google.com and add your class code which will be given by your class directress and subject teachers when classes starts.
    • Search and watch sample videos on YouTube how to create Google account, Gmail account and how to interact in the Google classroom.
    • Class Schedule and class codes will be given a week before the official classes starts (August 24, 2020).
    • Only officially enrolled students will be added in the Google classroom per teacher and per subject teacher.
    • Your purchased books will be used as our main reference in all types of classes.


B. Modified Modular Learning

    •  Enrollees whose internet or data connection is not available.
    • Teachers and subject teachers will give and informed through text messages of the students’ all types of activities, tasks, book exercises, assignment, and other homework output. All of this will be done by the students at home with the supervision of the parents/guardian.  Parents and guardian will be the one to submit all output on a given schedule at school.
    • For further questions and queries on the student’s task parent or student itself can call or text the teacher.
    • Class Schedule will be given a week before the official classes starts (August 24, 2020)
    • Only Officially enrolled students will be communicated, by the teacher and per subject teacher.
    • Your purchased books will be used as our main reference in all types of classes.
  • C. Blended Learning:
  • (Merge of Online & Modified Modular Learning)
    • Will still follow E-Learning procedure by enrolling the students in the Google classroom facility if and only if the students have good internet or data connection. In case of lost connection or poor data connection students can use or switch from E-learning to Modified Modular Learning or vice-versa but students should still follow Modified Modular Learning procedure.
    • Class Schedule will be given a week before the official classes starts (August 24, 2020).
    • Only Officially enrolled students will be communicated, by the teacher and per subject teacher.
    • Your purchased books will be used as our main reference in all types of classes

Learning Facilities:

All learning facilities below should be used in any of the Type of Classes to Enroll (Flexible Learning Modalities).  Teachers will use all these facilities to Aid or facilitate learning in the School Year 2020-2021.

  • Google Classroom, Google account or other E-mail Accounts
  • FB accounts and FB messenger
  • Cellular Phones, Tablet, Laptop, Netbook
  • Telephone


Important Notes:

  • Our Main bulletin for announcement and reminders will be reflected in the following:
    1. Montessori de Zamboanga FB
    2. Montessori de Zamboanga Page andc.
    3. Montessori de Zamboanga website:www.montessoridezamboanga.edu.ph
  •  For more questions and queries please contact the school at 991-6750 or 926-3915, Miss Mich, Miss Jeddah, Miss Lalaine & Mrs. Perez are willing to assist.
  • Enrollment is now ongoing until June 30
  • We implore the help and cooperation of all parents and guardians in making this School Year 2020-2021 possible by assessing our students, your learners at home.

Summer Program 2016

Make your child's summer vacation productive and fun.  Montessori de Zamboanga is offering summer classes that will start on April 11, 2016 and culminates on May 20, 2016.  Various programs are listed to better prepare your child and make them drive to excellence with the current innovations and educational leap.

Aside from the children's summer programs, we also offer comprehensive review on NCAE, NAT & College Entrance Test.

For inquiries,  click here & look for Ms. Jeddah or Ms. Lalaine...