Montessori Methodology
The Montessori Method is a spontaneous expansive and educational system designed to afford the child liberty to move and act in a prepared environment encouraging self-development. Dr. Maria Montessori, after whom the method was named drew her education philosophy from her observations of children, which focus in the innate potential of the child to unfold at his/her own rate. She believed that freedom and respect are essential ingredients for the unfolding and the full absorption of the rich environment made possible by the use of all senses at the proper time.
Areas of Learning:
- Practical Life
- Sensorial Exercises
- Language Arts (Listening, Thinking, Speaking, Reading & Writing)
- Cultural Arts (Geography, Music & Science)
- Mathematics

Dr. Maria Montessori
(b. August 31, 1870 |d. May 6, 1952)
Pioneer of Theories in Early Childhood Education